Here is the link to part 1 if you missed it.
Here is the link to part 2.
Here is the link to part 3.
"How much longer are we going to be packed in here like Rats?"
That's what one of our guys asked me towards the end of our time working out of my house.
And he had a valid compliant. It was tight.
But the new office was huge.
Not only was it huge, but my office had a giant safe built into the wall.
I didn't have anything valuable to put in the safe, but I felt cool being a guy with a huge safe in his office.
And the added space made production run more smoothly.
Everything was great.
And then something started happening.
I started losing weight, and concentrating got harder and harder.
A smart person would have gone to the doctor. But I kept pushing forward hoping it would pass.
Until I couldn't anymore.
And come to find out, I have an auto-immune problem that didn't hit me until my late 20s. And it was a pretty serious one.
To make a long story short, it took 2 years of trying different treatments to get back to normal.
And during that two years, everyone else at PosterBurner stepped up and covered for me. And we're lucky to have a team like that.
Right around the time I got back to full strength, we learned about something called super resolution.
Super resolution is a field of artificial intelligence where you can improve the quality of images even as the image size expands.
This sounded like the philosopher's stone to us.
We dropped everything. It was super resolution or bust.
But super resolution and artificial intelligence is really hard.
And it took us a full year to figure it out. And that was a full year where every waking minute our minds were on super resolution. Near the end, we probably looked like this

But we finally figured it out. We started running it on posters before we printed them, and the effect of super resolution was immense, and it was instant.
It made bad images ok. It made ok images good. It made good images great. And it made great images flawless.
And just like that, the good times were back.
Rick @ PosterBurner
Here is a link to Part 5