We made a movie.
Then I got a call that would change my life.
Soon I was driving through the cornfields of Iowa.
And I ended up sitting in a CEO's office.
(If you missed that part of the story, its here)
That CEO was Jerry Ford.
And Jerry loved posting on message boards.
He would lose time as he sat there typing away - answering questions from baseball moms and dads.
I sat in his office for 10 minutes where the only sound was the clacking of his keyboard.
It was like he forgot I was there.
But then he turned around in his chair, and got down to business.
I didn't know exactly why he wanted me to come to Iowa.
On the plane ride there, I thought about that the whole way.
And the only conclusion I could come to is that he wanted to team up to make baseball videos.
But I was wrong.
Jerry had a vision.
He wanted to make a video database of every high school baseball player in the country and have it on his website.
And then he wanted to make weekly shows about some of those players.
In today's world, that doesn't sound like a crazy idea.
But this conversation happened before YouTube even existed.
Video over the internet was expensive and rare.
And cell phone pictures looked like this:

It was a wildly ambitious plan for a medium sized baseball company out in Iowa.
But I liked the idea.
And I liked Jerry.
After our conversation, he told me he wanted me to move to Iowa and start this new company.
Like, immediately.
Then he told me to think about it, and that we would get dinner later that night and I could let him know my decision.
I'll explain what happened after that in the next post.
Rick @ PosterBurner