I made a mistake.
That mistake made PosterBurner lose most of its traffic.
Then we made a comeback.
(If you missed that story its here)
Our super resolution tool was a big success.
But then something crazy happened.
One day I was walking through the office, and I saw our canvas manager Joel stretching a canvas.
Joel has been with PosterBurner since the beginning, and he is one of the best canvas stretchers in the world.
He also makes it look cool when he's wrapping a canvas.
So I took out my phone and filmed him making a canvas print.
I posted it to Tiktok and went about my day.
A few hours later, I checked the phone. Over 50,000 people had watched the video.
50,000 people!
I ran into the canvas room to show Joel and the team.
We couldn't believe it.
An hour later I checked the video again. It was at 150,000 views.
20 minutes later it was over 200,000.
I started running through the office giving everyone live updates.
Hour by hour the views kept growing.
By the time I went to bed, we were approaching 500,000 views.
The next morning when I woke up we had over a million views.
I rode into work like this:

The views kept growing for two more days.
We ended at over 2 million views on Joel's canvas making video.
Here is the video on TikTok:

It turns out that people like watching things being made by an expert craftsman.
But this wasn't the first time we had something go viral.
The first time we went viral helped us start PosterBurner.
I'll explain that in the next post.
If you have any questions or need any help, just let us know!
Rick @ PosterBurner