Ah, the bane of every poster collector's existence – creased posters! Whether it's a prized paper poster or a canvas print, getting those unsightly wrinkles out can seem like an impossible task. But don't worry; it's not the end of the world! With a few simple tricks, you can get those posters or prints looking smooth and wrinkle-free in no time.
How to Remove a Crease From a Poster
First, let's start with posters. If you have a slight crease, the best solution is to try to flatten it out using a flat, hard surface and some weight. Lay the poster on a flat surface and put a heavy book on top of it. Let the poster sit for a few hours or overnight. This will help the paper to relax and the crease to smooth out.
If the crease is stubborn, you can use a hair dryer on a low heat setting. Keep the hair dryer about 6 inches away from the creased area and move it back and forth until the paper starts to warm up. Once it's warm, gently press down on the creased spot with your hand to help smooth it out.
Another solution is to use a bit of moisture to help relax the paper. Lay the poster face down on a hard, flat surface. Dampen a cloth—be sure it is barely damp to avoid damaging your poster--with distilled water, gently apply it to the back of the creased area for a few minutes. Remove the cloth and add weight to the wrinkled site to apply pressure and help the crease smooth out.

Removing Wrinkles From Canvas Prints
Now, let's move on to canvas prints. Canvas is a bit more forgiving than paper, but it still requires special care to get those creases out. If the crease is minor, try using a hair dryer on the low heat setting to warm up the back of the canvas to help it relax. Again, gently press down on the creased area with your hand to help smooth it out.
For more stubborn creases, you can try using a bit of steam. Hold a steam iron about 6 inches from the back of the creased area and move it back and forth until you start to see steam. Then, gently press down on the crease with your hand to help smooth it out. Just be careful not to get the iron too close, as too much heat can damage the canvas.
Another solution is to use a roller to help flatten out the creased area. You can use a wallpaper roller or a rolling pin to apply gentle pressure to the wrinkled area.

Getting creases out of posters can be a bit challenging, but it's definitely doable! With a little patience and some simple tricks, you can have your posters looking smooth and wrinkle-free in no time. Whether working with paper or canvas, the key is to be patient while using gentle heat and pressure to help relax the material and smooth out the creases. Happy poster fixing!