Deion Sanders was awesome.
He played football like this:

And he played baseball like this:

And he did it with unbeatable style.

That is why they called him "Prime Time."
But every athlete's career comes to an end.
And toward the end of his career, Deion was in trouble.
He was living the fast life of a famous athlete.
He lost his marriage.
Then he drove his car off a cliff - on purpose.
But after that, he turned things around.
He started coaching his kids football teams.
Then when they got old enough for high school, he coached with their high school team.
And when they got old enough for college, he got a job as a college football coach.
It wasn't a big name school, but he was able to get the best players in the country to come play for him.
They came to play for him because he is cool.

And it turns out that he is a great coach.
He won so many games so he got a bigger job offer.
He took a job coaching at Colorado and brought his sons with him.
He started winning again.
Then famous people started showing up to his games.
Then rappers started performing before games.
And they have become the most talked about team in sports.
But even if you take out the sports and coaching, Deion Sanders is still a poster worthy person.

He's a guy that turned his life around in order to coach and spend time with his kids.